The thing that we think about most in life usually matter the most. I think that if we are working for something necessary for survival then it is completely understandable but if it is for something else then we shouldn’t spend much of our time on it. This is a difficult topic to talk about knowing that many of us are looking forward towards a life of financial independence. In order to achieve a lifetime of financial freedom, one must definitely give up one’s freedom for at least a good 10-20 years working and accumulating capital so that those monies can generate income for the rest of their lives. It is because of this common goal (that many people have) that troubles me because time is the only resource which we can never earn back. Therefore, I would like to write more about life and how we can make it more worthwhile this week and hopefully, we can all value time more than our lofty goals.
Learn how to value time if you want to be truly wealthy
Every person who have accumulated significant amounts of wealth from scratch will tell you that if you want to be truly wealthy, you have to know how to value things. Amongst those things, you will have to value time above everything else. This is because time is the only resource that you can never get more of. Everyone’s time on earth is limited and even if he or she can live to a good old age, the time that they have during the prime will not be long enough for any wastage. Hence, if you truly understand the value of time, then you will be able to value other aspects of your life more accurately. This will help you spend your life wisely and work more productively and accumulate wealth and valuable experience faster.
Work smarter so that you can spend less time on work
If you are going to work hard, work hard so that you can work less. In other words, do not work to accumulate more money because it does not reduce your reliance on work to get more money. Always think about how you can live without the need to stay in the current job. That will help you to get way more productive over time. Whenever I see riders and drivers on the street working so hard to make a living, I see their determination and yearning to give their families and loved ones a better life. At the same time, I hope that this career will only last for a short period of time and they will eventually progress to another career where they can enjoy more time to spend with their loved ones and themselves.
You really only live once (YrOLO)
Although I disagree with the YOLO mindset, I do agree in some sense that we only have one life. As such, spending time wisely is definitely more important than earning more money. Don’t hope that by working harder for the time being you will get to live more later because as time go by, your opportunities to experience different aspects of life will also dwindle. I hope that I am not being too much of a hypocrite when I say that living matters more than making money. This is because I am also a culprit of sacrificing a good number of years to accumulate capital before I decided to spend more time on my family and myself. Although what I have done has led to my current state today, I am not sure if everyone will have the same opportunities as me so I still urge more of us to stay vigilant when spending time in exchange of money.
Closing Thoughts
I always feel a sense of helplessness when telling people about my experiences in life because many people fail to see how much sacrifice I have made to reach where I am today. But what I can say is that if I am giving a second life, I would have spent less time on making money and spending more time with my loved ones. A life worth living can only be a life that you will not exchange for anything else in the whole wide world. What else can we treasure as much than the time we have living as free being and making memories with our loved ones.