Don’t give up hope on hope

The past few posts have been quite solemn in terms of their tone and overall content. Well, I think the point of being serious in my writing was because I wanted to reflect on my performance and journey as an investor. So what have I learned from the past month? I feel that as investors, it is necessary to be used to disappointment. The whole idea of investing and trading is to find opportunities in the midst of chaos and otherwise, mispricing of assets. Therefore, we should always stay calm and hopeful in the midst of a market crisis.

Find a way to recalibrate

For me, I tried to shift my attention away from trading altogether whilst placing advanced orders for more obvious trades that will be beneficial for the time being. Turns out, although the number of trades fulfilled reduced significantly, I still managed to make some returns from some trades. During that period, I realize that we do not really need to be as paranoid over price movements even when the market is not cooperating for the time being.

Talk to someone who is optimistic about life (preferably not an investor)

It never hurts to be a little more optimistic when everything feels hopeless. I think that speaking to someone who is not burdened by the horrible market would certainly help divert your attention away from your troubles. What I learned is that there are many other things happening besides the economy and the market. When that realization settles in, you will start to look away from your problems and spend more time on other aspects of life.

Do not be afraid to be afraid (be objective)

The fear that festers in our minds will extend its stay if we refuse to face it head-on. There is no other way than to confront those fears and accept that whatever is happening is happening. After facing your worse fears, you can then move on to facing your responsibilities as an investor and a trader and plan your next steps accordingly. As mentioned in earlier posts, taking action is always more lucrative than passively waiting for the desired outcome.

Closing Thoughts

For me, it’s time to go back into the fray and face the music head-on again. Right now, I feel that I was all along right to be objective and take action whenever there were opportunities. Also, I understand that every scary episode contributes to my experience as an investor and a trader. Finally, for what’s worth it, I did not give up and hence I will only get better at this over time.

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