Why money will never be the same again

The world is changing at an accelerated rate, so much so that might not make sense anymore. For example, we lived through a period of time when the US market can climb exponentially during nationwide lockdowns around the world. During this period, we also witness the rise of Defi with no intrinsic value becoming the talk of the town and online. Such occurrences are odd, to say the least but I do not think the world has lost its mind completely but i guess it has deteriorated a fair amount. Apologies about being so money-centric so often but I think it’s always important to talk about money because it is the one thing that can make normal people’s lives better or worst instantly. In today’s post, I would like to share why money should not be affecting everybody’s lives as much as before and why we should not take it as seriously from now on if we can. 

Money has lost its value in every way

Probably some of us are relating this issue to the fact that some currency has become so worthless that it is no longer a viable currency for trade. But when currencies remain strong, it does not naturally mean that they can procure more goods and services from their overseas’ trading partners. Essentially, this also means that their businesses will become increasingly too expensive for overseas trade. Therefore, resulting in lower trade volumes also mean that the revenue of the local companies will have slower or negative growth, leading to stagnation in wages or retrenchments. The next time you feel the pinch when the prices don’t make sense, it is probably not because of the seller or vendor but the money itself that has led to this undesirable outcome. 

Everyone wants more money but no one wants to pay more for anything

As the prices of things continue to go up, it will deter many people from looking so much into the quality of products. Instead, the consumer trends will start shifting and more people will support businesses that can provide practical products rather than novelty items that are of a higher quality. When I say that no one is willing to pay more, I mean that people are becoming more numb towards the real value of items they own but rather how the value of the items that they buy will increase over time such that if they do not buy it now, they will make a loss. Also known as FOMO. 

People who look away from money to find a solution for their problems will reign in life

Too many times in life, we have looked to money as a solution to “all” our problems. Yet, it has played us again and again at every level of society. What I mean is that money is constantly trying to tell us to give it a chance to be the ultimate solution but yet, there is no real and fair way money can be a viable solution for the long run. More often than not, money can only be helpful when it has satisfied the following conditions, such as coming in large amounts and in the supposedly more valuable currency. These expectations are in no way a realistic goal for the majority of people in society. Therefore, we should spend our energies on something else instead of money so that we have a higher chance of attaining our life goals. 

Closing Thoughts

I understand that it is going to be increasingly tough to live in this world that is price tagged in every possible way. What we can do is to seriously adjust our perspectives on how we view success and the idea of happiness. Perhaps the best way to overcome the challenges is simply to stop pursuing money as a goal in your lifetime. 

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