When we were younger and were told to wait for something we desired (e.g. a toy or a lollipop), it would often end in grumpiness or at least mild sadness. Recently, I came across a short clip on YouTube and the person in the video mention that although being delayed feels the same as being denied, it’s not the same. It takes a lot more than the understanding of both words to appreciate the difference when it comes to real life. Now, some religions would also share that there is a “God’s timing” for everything and honestly, I felt that it didn’t make much sense. Using my human brain, I thought that it was just a lazy way to say I don’t know when or if it will happen so deal with it. But now that I am a little older and wiser, I am starting to make some sense of everything I have mentioned above. In today’s post, I would like to share how the word “timing” worked in my life in terms of my pursuits, hopes and dreams.
We want different (wrong) things at some points of our lives
It’s not easy to admit that we were wrong at some point in our lives. But looking back, most of us should be able to identify errors in our desires at some point. This does not only mean that we did not know any better but it actually means that we gave up on other things in life to pursue the options that we chose. Knowing what to pick is indeed a skill that we must hone in our lifetimes, which means that it is not only inevitable but essential for us all. Having this in mind will remind to make the best possible choice as objectively as possible to reduce the amount of time and effort wasted.
Right place wrong time might be a blessing in disguise
Ever felt like it was meant to be but the time was not right? Reasons behind the wrong timing might vary greatly but it also means that it might work in the future. If we are in a situation like this, do not be too discouraged, instead, continue to grow and increase your value. That would allow you to keep your chances high or even increase your odds of succeeding in the future. For example, if we applying for a job and it was not successful, perhaps we were not ready for it then. Therefore, just spend more time learning and preparing for the next application and interview after working at another position at a smaller company perhaps.
Good things come for those who wait
Impatience is common amongst younger people simply people they do not like to wait for something they want. As we mature, we know that good things are worth the wait simply because everything takes time to bloom and flourish. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that waiting is a necessary process to achieve something that we want in life. In fact, some waiting and distance from the eventual destination also increases the satisfaction when we get it. It is similar to waiting for a particular stock to reach your target price, as it might take some time and we will unlikely know when. As such, so long as we have done our due diligence, just wait patiently and not let our emotions get in the way.
Closing Thoughts
I wrote this post to share an important juncture in my life where specific things only made sense after a long time. Even though it was humbling, I am glad to be where I am in life right now. Another point is that the next time I am told to wait, I will be more willing, to not let time be wasted, but to continue working on increasing my value to wait for the next best opportunity to try again.